Armenian Club, The Best Club?

Armenian Club, The Best Club?

Dalton Layne, Staff Writer

Thomas Edison High school is rich in culture. Being in Fresno, California, many different cultures mix from this diverse city on campus. Oftentimes, we see these cultures group together and create clubs and communities for those of similar origin or interests. Armenian club is no different. Founded by Hovig Ohanian (President), Jonathan Chardukian (Vice President), and sponsored by Mrs. Imirian, the Armenian Club aims to educate students on Armenian culture every Wednesday at lunch in P12.

Educating isn’t something many students look forward too, but when you come by, the vibe is completely different than that of a classroom.

Dalton Layne
Armenian Club Going Strong

Walking in, you are greeted by cheers as you see all your friends (and friends to be) chatting loudly and having a blast. After learning some Armenian words, you get in line to dine on some of the famous Armenian food, much of which is homemade.

While you eat, there might be a slideshow or some speeches to entertain you, again, nothing like a normal classroom or club. Each meeting is practically a party, with free food, music and fun. So I would encourage you to come on down to P12 this Wednesday to join in with the festivities and find out whether Armenian Club really is the best club.

Having clubs and social activities is very important on a school campus, especially with a school as diverse as Edison, but what makes Armenian club so important? According to Hovig Ohanian, “Armenian Club is important to help teach and represent Armenian culture to the rest of the world.”

You see, having an Armenian Club, as well as any other clubs, is needed to share one’s culture with society. Armenian culture has a rich history and has survived the Armenian Genocide. It is important to teach its history and culture to the world so that we can learn from it.