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Déjà vu-Olivia Rodrigo


Nicole Wong, Staff Writer


“She’s all I ever want to be”- Tate McRae https://youtu.be/uS_y_65CcpA  

This song by Tate McRae shows her emotions of jealousy toward her boyfriend’s new lover and what his lies led to—insecurities. He assures her that this new girl is nothing to worry about but ends up being with her. This new girl is nothing like Tate (or the main girl of the song), basically, someone who meets society’s beauty standards, or more specifically, more of what the guy wanted in a girl.  


“I love you so”- The Walters https://youtu.be/NwFVSclD_uc  

The artist of this song shows the indecisive mindset they have. Loving someone too much and too deeply to the point you’re self-aware that you need to let go but can’t do it on your own; so you need the other person to end it. The song repeats “I love you so” with the background voice coming after “please let me go”. I think this is a symbol of how the artist contradicts with his thoughts from his brain to his heart. Hoping to stay with the one he loves but knowing the relationship is nothing good for the both of them—or just one of them. 


“Reckless”- Madison Beer https://youtu.be/x3QaWpiiX0U  

Like Tate’s “She’s all I ever want to be”, Reckless has a similar story. The guy in the story gave the words that the girl is not a worry, and is no disruption to the main leads’ relationship, but look what happened. Giving your words but not meeting them. Many of these love songs show how men are cheating and speaking more than doing. Promising and giving their words to stay forever and never love another girl like their current one, but move on to another one within a period of time.  


“Gone”- Rose (Blackpink) https://youtu.be/K9_VFxzCuQ0  

Like many other sad heartbreak love songs, Gone is a simple song but meaningful, that may be relatable and feel empty to listeners. “All my love is gone” is constantly repeated by Rose and her elegant voice sounds heartbroken. She expresses her wish to be the only one but seems to be the only foolish one that hoped for so. She was left with nothing but herself and her broken, empty heart. 


“Dumb Dumb”- Jeon Somi https://youtu.be/tg2uF3R_Ozo  

Unlike the other sad heartbreak songs, this is more upbeat but with a more contrasting meaning in the lyrics. This song talks about the high school girl who is head over heels for her school crush and refers to him as dumb for not getting her signs. She can’t function well because she’s constantly thinking about him. The song more insults the guys for being stupid rather than sweet and girl crush or how perfect a crush is.