Why is it Good to Have Sisters?
November 3, 2020
Having sisters are a big help in life. Emily Vang is a 16-year-old girl who goes to Edison Highschool. She is the youngest out of her 6 sisters! She lives with her parents, 3 sisters, and a brother. The rest of the family has moved out.
It is said from the “Seventeen” magazine that having sisters is a big benefit and can share a bond that no one else understands. That could include sisters (most likely older) giving you money and unfiltered advice or just plain out arguing and laughing it off later, which is a bond that you most likely won’t have with others. “I get paid for babysitting and I get money from my older siblings, but most of the time we eat out which is pretty nice,” Vang claims. “I like having lots of sisters though because I get advice from different generations above me and it’s interesting to hear their viewpoint at times.” Older sisters can guide you to not make the same mistakes they made and can help you grow as a person. She says a good thing about having sisters is that she can argue with them and still have a nice talk afterward without feeling weird. This provides a safe place for sisters to not feel like an outcast and bring comfort. From a blog called “Motherly”, it is said that from having sisters, you can learn to handle tough arguments, in which Vang exceeds in.
In a magazine called “Bustle”, it states that families with at least one daughter are more likely to engage in a conversation and express emotions while sons have the opposite effect. Emily Vang says that she often expresses her emotions when she gets frustrated with her sisters. The magazine also says that sisters bring something that brothers don’t. For example, affection. Most of the time, boys don’t know how to show affection, so it is good to have sisters around that can comfort you and give you affection.