Do You Want to Return?
Three Grades, Three Opinions

April 26, 2021
As of April of 2021, many schools have returned to in person schooling. For Fresno County, the first day back for middle school and high school students was April 16, 2021. The Fresno Unified School District has found a way to keep down the cases of Covid-19 while still giving students in-person education. I have interviewed 3 students in 8th, 9th, and 11th grades.
The student in 8th grade is a young lady who attends Edison Computech. She had many emotions about returning to school. At the moment, students only receive in-person education twice a week. In her case, she goes on campus Tuesdays and Wednesdays. She described the back-to-school environment as happy and positive. One of her favorite things about returning was being able to socialize with her peers face to face. She also explained that she was able to better focus due to being in this environment made for learning.
Our next student is a young lady who is in 9th grade and attends Fresno High School. For her, the entire environment was new and exciting. Being a freshman, she had all types of emotions and was very nervous. In her opinion, the experience was a bit scary. She described it as almost as being in an apocalypse. She went into depth about how big yet empty the school was. She also found it harder to focus because she was still adjusting to this new routine and environment. However, she does suspect that in the near future, returning to campus will help her focus more; she just needs a bit more time to adjust.
Lastly, we have an 11th-grade student who also attends Fresno High School. Going back to school, she had a small understanding of what to expect. Some of the things she found to be very weird and different were wearing a mask, only having a few students in class, and how empty everything was. However, this didn’t stop her from enjoying her experience. She said everything else was pretty much the same and learning-wise, not much had changed. Overall she said this new hybrid schedule was an 8/10 experience.
Mandy Yang • Apr 28, 2021 at 10:48 am
I think it was a really great idea that you interviewed people from different years. The experience is obviously going to be different for everyone and I’m glad that everyone liked or grew to like hybrid learning!
Mandy Yang • Apr 28, 2021 at 10:47 am
I think it was a really great idea that you interviewed people from different years. The experience is obviously going to be different for everyone and I’m glad that everyone liked or grew to like hybrid learning.