Historic Amp Rally

Valeria Ramirez, Staff Writer

Friday’s Rally Review 

Friday’s rally was the first time we have had an outdoor rally since the gym is under construction. This created the first issue: not many students enjoyed it since it was very hot. 

Like always the music was some 2000’s music classics, and the leadership kids were trying to hype everyone up. Not a lot of people were getting hyped up.

All of the games involved freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors playing against each other. The first game was grabbing a cup of water and passing it in difficult ways and putting it in a bucket. Some people kept spilling the water  which was funny. A sophomore girl was drenched in water by the end. Once the game was over the seniors won. But overall, the game was entertaining. The second game was musical chairs. They grab 2 people from each grade to play. But the game was not that entertaining. The person who won the second game was a senior.

The third game was a person had to get on a sliding scooter board and someone had to move them around to grab fish. I really wanted one of the fish, but we couldn’t keep them. The game look fun overall and again the seniors won. The last game was basically someone pushing a chair with their partner all around the amphitheater which got funny and interesting very fast since this one kid was grabbing the chair handle for dear life while his partner was still moving the chair.  


Overall, I have to say that the rally was done well; it was not fun or boring, but my only question is why was there an underwater tiger on a sea-themed poster?