The Class Of 2022 Returns

Jordan Jackson and Rasheed Norman


     With much excitement, seniors are back all over the Central Valley. After a year of online learning and two years of a global pandemic, many students such as myself are happy to be back in the classroom. The year is especially significant for seniors because it is the time they have with friends and family before leaving for college or moving on to the next option in their adult lives. To get insight on the topic, I interviewed some seniors from our very own Edison high school to get their opinions about returning to school.  

What are some school events you are looking forward to? 

Destiny: I’m looking forward to prom, senior night, and of course graduation because they’re the most memorable times of senior year.

Caleb: I’m looking forward to the football games and rallies.

Dallas: I look forward to homecoming because I’m a part of the senior skit and wrestling season.

Chris- “I missed the rallies and the energy the students brought in person.” 

Tyrece- “I am excited for Prom and the Football Games being back.” 

How does it feel from being a sophomore on campus to stepping back onto campus as a senior? 

Chris- “It feels like I had to grow up a bit faster without the experience of growing up.” 

Tyrece- “It just sucks that I had to miss part of my high school experience” 

Destiny: It felt depressing because I didn’t get the chance to experience being a junior.

Caleb: For me, it’s like learning to run for the first time.

Dallas: Honestly, I felt like I didn’t learn anything junior year so being back on campus in person is very sudden.

 What are your plans for after high school? 

Chris- “I am undecided still at this point” 

Destiny: I plan on attending the illustrious Howard University.

Caleb: After high school, I plan on going to college and my plan B is doing internships in mechanical engineering.

Dallas: I want to be a teacher and I plan on attending Hawaii University around this time next year.

Tyrece- “I plan to continue my football career in college” 


 Do you have any significant memories from your Freshman or Sophomore year? 

Destiny: Going to my first high school football game was the most memorable because It was something, I always dreamed about doing.

Caleb: Going to the central vs Edison playoff game.

Dallas: my most memorable memory is winning the homecoming game freshman year.

Chris- “ Not any particular memory stands out, but just hanging out with my friends after school” 

 Tyrece- “Basketball season my freshmen year was fun” 

How does it feel to finally be back on campus after all this time? 

Chris- “The social aspect of being back is amazing. Seeing people everyday is just more fun” 

Tyrece- It feels good to be back my final year.  

Destiny: It feels different and nostalgic.

Caleb: It feels good to get out the house and see my friends again.

Dallas: I love being back on campus. It’s fun hanging out with friends and being involved around school.

What are some things high school has taught you personally? 

Destiny: You don’t keep the same friends, you had in middle school. Basically, you grow up.

Caleb: How to control my anger and try not to take everything so serious.

Dallas: high school has taught me that everyone isn’t your real friend.

Chris- “Not everyone you meet is going to be the best for you, even if you think they are.” 

Tyrece- “Try to have a good schedule to follow. Once I made my schedule more organized everything became a bit easier.” 

Do you believe Online learning prepared you for your senior year and the classes you are taking? 

Destiny: Online learning did not prepare me for senior year because teams was hard to navigate.

Caleb: Nope, I didn’t really learn anything and online didn’t have my full attention.

Dallas: It didn’t prepare me at all. I didn’t even learn anything useful.

Chris- “No, it was just hard to learn when I wasn’t in a school environment.”  

Tyrece- “No, I had my TV and other things at home right in front of me at home which made it so easy to get distracted even when I tried to focus.” 

As you have gotten older, how has your outlook on life changed? 

Chris- “Growing up, it was all bout having fun and enjoying the experiences along the way. Now, I have to start looking forward to my next step constantly.” 

Tyrece- “I’m able to make more decisions on my own and learn from them as I grow older.” 

Destiny: It has taught me to analyze my decisions more.

Caleb: Life has taught me that you learn something new every day and the world isn’t fair all the time.

Dallas: It has taught me that you shouldn’t treat everyday life as a joke. You have to be serious about things at times.

What is a particular goal you want to achieve your senior year? 

Chris-“I want to attend as many events as possible for my senior year.”

Destiny: I hope to experience prom and reach it to graduation.

Caleb: Hopefully, I receive an athletic scholarship and I’m able to play football at the next level.

Dallas: My goal is to make it to state championships for wrestling and of course, graduate.

Tyrece “ I want to get an offer from Ole Miss for football”