On Monday, September 23rd Principal Munoz announced a new cell phone policy at Edison High School. Early Monday morning Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Phone-Free School Act, essentially prohibiting the use of phones on school campuses in California. Edison soon followed suit with an update to its policy, a move viewed as controversial by many students.

The updated policy states that students may not use their cell phones from 8:30AM to 12:40PM, and from 1:15PM to 3:20PM. The new policy means students are no longer allowed to use their devices during passing periods or classes and are only allowed to use them during lunch.
Some students do not mind the recent changes to the cell phone policy, but others have voiced frustration with the limits.
One student, who asked to remain anonymous, stated, “I think it kind of sucks since I don’t think using your phone between classes is such a big deal.” With another adding, “I think it’s alright since it doesn’t really affect me, but a lot of people don’t really like it.”