Key Club is a club that takes place every Tuesday here on the Edison High School campus, but it’s more than just a school-wide thing. Key Club is an international club across most schools and districts. But what exactly is Key Club?
Key Club, put simply, is a volunteer organization. If you join the club you’re offered volunteer opportunities throughout your community! The club often sends members to help at places like Storyland and the Big Fresno Fair. On Tuesday the 22nd of October there was an opportunity to help some children with crafts and pack sandwiches and diapers for families in need downtown. Members reported it was a fun and meaningful way to give back to the community.

Now despite it being November, it’s not too late to join Key Club. So long as you show up to meetings and pay the club dues by December 1st you’re free to sign up for volunteering opportunities.

Key Club meets every Tuesday in W117. That’s when they give you updates on new service events; usually, there are quite a few to choose from. They also tell you about DCMs at these meetings. DCMs are meetings for key clubbers all over the Central Valley to meet up and hang out!
Key Club is one of my favorite clubs, it’s a fun and social environment, and everyone I’ve met there is very kind. The volunteer opportunities are also very fun! I encourage you to head to W117 one of these Tuesdays (with a little cash) and get to work for your community!