Who Runs This Town?
Fresno County Jail

February 9, 2022
Fresno County Jail
Built in 1947, the current Fresno County Jail, located at 2200 Fresno St, houses many inmates that are kept away from the public to serve their time for the crimes accused and committed. It holds a capacity of 3,814 inmates and as of now, it has not reached that capacity. Each inmate is separated into different housing units for different reasons identified in that section.
There is the Main Jail that has six floors that house inmates in gangs and deals with those rivalries. It includes a recreational area on the top roof of the building, an X-ray room, and places for medical attention and dental services. Second, named North Annex jail houses the rest of the men arrested. They live in a dorm-style area with a small “living room” where they have one tv and some chairs. South Annex is third where all women are held to serve their time. There is a security office on each floor.
All populations live together except where 27 separate cells are located for lockdown and inmates with high-security threats. Last, the jail includes which is now storage and a trainee facility (also where the overflow of inmates would be held).
Inmates are provided meals, general education services, personal life skill programs, library, religious programs, and resources to addiction like drugs or alcohol. They can also receive cell phone calls of 15 minutes and have to be prepaid by the other caller on their inmate account. If wanting to make calls, it’s between times of 8-11 pm, and to make another you have to wait an hour, but inmates are only given 300 minutes per month.
To bail eligible inmates, family members must have to wait a couple of hours until the inmates are booked in and their information is out. The jail facility is strictly organized and done in a certain manner to prevent any uncalled-for situations.