15-Minute Bathroom Cruel?

October 6, 2021
The 15-minute bathroom rule enforced here at Edison High is sparking a debate. This rule is one we should all be familiar with as it’s heavily enforced in each one of our classes. In case you aren’t familiar with it, the 15-minute bathroom rule states students cannot use the bathroom within the first and last 15 minutes of class.
The effectiveness of this rule is up for debate as some students both agree and disagree with it. When asked if the rule was effective Kitana Landeros (10) replies, “No because 36 minutes you can’t go to the bathroom is unreasonable.”
In an opposing view Daniel Torres (11) says, “Yes, it is it keeps students from getting out of class and notifies teachers a lot easier about absences.”
The California Code, Education Code – EDC 35292.5; (2) claims that schools shall keep all restrooms open during school hours when pupils are not in classes and shall keep enough restrooms open during school hours when pupils are in classes. When asked if our bathroom rule went against the code, Alfredo Delgado (11) says that the time they require us to wait is too minor to go against the code. In response to this question, Junior Keophovangphet says that it does go against the code.
There is also a big argument that has to do with the health of students. Is this rule a health issue? Our school nurse Mrs. Coronado says “For students in this age group, it is not uncommon or problematic to hold their urine for that amount of time, unless they have a history of bladder issues, such as urinary tract infections, etc.” As an adult at this school, I continued to ask if she had any concerns regarding our restroom situation to which she replied, “My only concern would be, do we have enough bathrooms open to accommodate a large number of students here at Edison and the cleanliness of the bathrooms.”
Lastly, I asked our Plant Supervisor Daniel Hernandez questions regarding this rule. One of his statements regarding the 15-minute rule was “I’m for and against it in some ways because there are some kids that choose to use the bathroom when it’s not so packed, I get it for privacy reasons.” He continued with “But on the flip side there are also those kids who ignore the rules which kill it for everyone else.”
In conclusion, there is no firm stance on the opinion regarding the 15-minute bathroom rule. Some are firmly against it while others are not. The answer to whether it’s effective or not definitely varies from person to person.
Quincy M • Mar 23, 2022 at 9:51 am
Rule is good intentioned but it has a poor execution like many other things at this school
Celeste • Feb 18, 2022 at 10:02 am
I believe the 15 minute rule is not right because some kids need to go and teachers won’t let them due to the time being up, if you’re teacher is nice they’ll let you.
Rasheed Norman • Nov 19, 2021 at 10:47 am
I believe the 15 minute rule has good intentions, but is applied the wrong way. It is one thing to have teachers not allow you out of class to use the restroom, but if you really have to go the bathrooms should always at least be open.
Princess • Nov 3, 2021 at 9:26 am
No really I think they should not enforce this rule because I need to use the restroom and then they be closed
Aladin H • Oct 24, 2021 at 5:26 pm
I’m from a different California high school, but I have had some major issues with this rule. I’ll tell you a story about one of those times.
It was a sunny Thursday morning. As usual, I had to use the restroom during a passing period, but the restrooms were so overcrowded that I wound up sprinting into class a little under ten seconds late. My English teacher made somewhat of a big deal about it, citing this rule, so I laid out my options in front of him: a) I use the crowded restrooms during the passing period and miss a few, typically unused, first seconds of class; b) I wait to use the restroom during class and miss, on average, four minutes of instruction time; or c) I don’t use the restroom at all and, in the midst of the ensuing pain, struggle to focus on the task at hand. To my absolute shock, he said he would rather me choose option b, because, for some reason, he values the first two lines of the Pledge of Allegiance more than actual instruction. And once again he cited this rule, this time saying it was California law for me to be in the classroom within the first and last fifteen minutes of each period (which I think he was bluffing about, since I couldn’t find anything to verify this). The ridiculousness of it all, the fact that my basic human requirements are being whittled away, is the single reason why I despise this rule. So my advice to you is: Be reasonable and trust the good in people, because it will eventually begin to show. Bathroom passes will cover attendance. And please, do not implement this rule under any circumstances!!
Love from the Coachella Valley.
P.S. I think your “robot/human” system is hilarious. And awesome. Haha.
Anthony Phanouvong • Oct 22, 2021 at 10:40 am
Great insight on the opinions of this rule
Nicole • Oct 20, 2021 at 7:19 pm
I really like the outside sources provided in the article to hear more voices in our school!
Princess • Oct 19, 2021 at 9:14 am
I agree with the reason why they do it but it’s just not fair to others who really need to go.
Dani Gonzales • Oct 14, 2021 at 9:31 am
Love this article! I haven’t really heard the adults opinions on this rule but it was interesting to see what they had to say about it.
Valeria Ramirez • Oct 8, 2021 at 10:25 am
I love how you got different opinions from people including the staff and this article is well written.
Riley Lose • Oct 8, 2021 at 10:06 am
Great article! The bathroom rule is very controversial and the different perspectives help develop the story further.
Zoë Caeton • Oct 7, 2021 at 9:33 am
I really enjoyed this article! I appreciate the opposing opinions and inclusion of statements from the Education Code.